News: Peace Lutheran Church, Gatton
December 10, 2010
News: First Church of Christ Scientist in Brisbane
December 13, 2010

News: St Andrew’s Anglican Church South Brisbane

The first stage of the restoration of the 1884 JW Walker organ in St Andrew’s Anglican Church South Brisbane has been completed.  The double-rise bellows have been completely releathered and windtrunking refurbished. The bellows have been set to their original wind pressure of 3½”.

Both the Swell and Great Soundboards have been restored.  They required over 150 screws each to secure the splits in the mahogany tables.  The 1960’s plastic slider seals have been replaced with the more efficient felt seals.  These plastic seals had been faulty and were jamming the slides.

Often the pipes were not getting enough wind and were sounding out of tune and woolly.  The careful restoration of these soundboards are now receiving their full requirement of wind.  New lead conveyancing was made to wind the showfront pipes. The pipework was carefully cleaned and the Dulciana was restored back onto the Great soundboard and a new  mahogany cheek made for the 2′ Fifteenth.  This work has faithfully restored the original Walker sound back to the organ.  It is really sounding magnificent.

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