St Stephen’s chapel, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane
December 17, 2010
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, South Brisbane
December 17, 2010

Albert Street Uniting Church, Brisbane, Queensland

This instrument was originally built by George Benson of Manchester in 1889. At that time the keyboards controlled a mechanical action , with pneumatic action on the pedals. It was enlarged in 1928, and received further enlargement in the subsequent rebuild of 1951( including electrification and replacement of the slider chests by cone-pallet chests), both carried out by Whitehouse Bros. of Brisbane. In 1985 J. W. Walker & Sons (Aust) rebuilt the organ with a new console and some new stops, resulting in the following specification:


   Double Diapason  16' 
   Open Diapason     8'
   Gedact            8' 
   Gamba             8' 
   Principal         4' 
   Harmonic Flute    4' 
   Fifteenth         2' 
   Twelfth        2 2/3' 
   Mixture         III 
   Trumpet           8' 
   Fifteenth         2' 
   Mixture          II 
   Trumpet           8'


   Open Diapason     8' 
   Stop. Diapason    8' 
   Principal         4' 
   Flute             4' 
   Recorder          2' 
   Clarinet          8' 
   Tuba              8' 
   Sesquialtera     II 


   Violin Diapason 8'
   Rohr Flute      8'
   Salicional      8'
   Voix Celestes   8'
   Gemshorn        4'
   Koppel Flute    4'
   Piccolo         2'
   Mixture        III
   Cornopean       8'
   Clarion         4'
   Oboe            8'


   Acoustic Bass  32'
   Open Diapason  16'
   Bourdon        16'
   Cello           8'
   Principal       8'
   Fifteenth       4'
   Schalmei        4' 
   Trombone       16' 


   Swell Super 
   Swell Sub
   Choir Super
   Choir Sub 
   Swell to Great
   Swell to Choir
   Swell to Pedal
   Great to Pedal
   Choir to Pedal
   Choir to Great 



   Five Thumb Pistons on each manual with signal lights. 
   Full Organ reversible with light.
   Great to Pedal toe piston.
   Swell to Great reversible thumb piston.
   Great to Pedal Combination coupled reversible with 
   light by both thumb & toe piston.
   General Cancel.
   Balanced Swell and Choir Box pedals mechanically 

In 2005 a Laukuff electronic capture system with 60 levels was installed by Simon Pierce. This included an extra 12 general pistons, giving much-needed flexibility to an instrument in regular demand for public performance.

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