Surface Hill Uniting Church, Gympie
December 18, 2010
St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Lismore
December 18, 2010

St Paul’s Anglican Church, Ipswich

The J.W.Walker organ was first installed on the floor of the southern (liturgical northern) transept in 1860. It was shifted to a new gallery in the opposite transept in 1974. While the original cone-pallet chests were retained, the action was electrified, the Pedalboard enlarged, and a new Choir Organ added, with the resulting specification:

GREAT                                    CHOIR

16′    Bourdon                            8′     Lieblich Gedackt(orig.Great)
8′     Open Diapason                  8′     Dulciana (orig.Great)
8′     Violin Diapason                 4′     Koppel Flute
8′     Stopped Diapason             2′     Recorder
4′     Principal                            8′     Vox Humana
4′     Chimney Flute                   8′     Oboe Schalmei
2 2/3′ Twelfth                            8′     Tuba(unenclosed)
2′     Fifteenth
II     Mixture (19.22)
8′     Trompette  SWELL           PEDAL
8′     Horn Diapason
8′     Lieblich Gedackt              16′    Open Wood
8′     Salicional                         16′    Bourdon
8′     Voix Celeste                     16′    Echo Bourdon(from Great)
4′     Gemshorn                         8′     Bass Flute
4′     Suabe Flute                      8′     Violin Cello
2′     Piccolo                             4′     Octave Flute
III    Mixture (22.26.29)            4′     Schalmei
8′     Oboe
8′     Cornopean
4′     Clarion

Swell Tremulant
Swell Sub Octave
Swell Super Octave
Swell to Great
Swell to Great Sub
Swell to Great Super
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Choir
Great to Pedal
Choir to Great
Choir to Pedal
Choir Sub Octave
Choir Super Octave
Tremulants to Swell and Choir
Great to Pedal Combinations Coupled

Combination Pistons (preset)

Great: 4 pistons
Swell: 4 pistons
Pedal: 4 pistons
Choir: 3 pistons

GREAT (new slider soundboards)

16′    Bourdon
8′     Open Diapason
8′     Violin Diapason
8′     Stopt Diapason
4′     Principal
4′     Chimney Flute
2 2/3′ Twelfth
2′     Fifteenth
1 3/5′ Seventeenth
III    Mixture
8′     Trumpet


16′ Bourdon 8′ Open Diapason 8′ Violin Diapason 8′ Stopped Diapason 4′ Principal 4′ Chimney Flute 2 2/3′ Twelfth 2′ Fifteenth II Mixture (19.22) 8′ Trompette SWELL 8′ Horn Diapason 8′ Lieblich Gedackt 8′ Salicional 8′ Voix Celeste 4′ Gemshorn 4′ Suabe Flute 2′ Piccolo III Mixture (22.26.29) 8′ Oboe 8′ Cornopean 4′ Clarion CHOIR 8′ Lieblich Gedackt(orig.Great) 8′ Dulciana (orig.Great) 4′ Koppel Flute 2′ Recorder 8′ Vox Humana 8′ Oboe Schalmei 8′ Tuba(unenclosed) PEDAL 16′ Open Wood 16′ Bourdon 16′ Echo Bourdon(from Great) 8′ Bass Flute 8′ Violin Cello 4′ Octave Flute 4′ Schalmei ACCESSORIES Swell Tremulant Swell Sub Octave Swell Super Octave Swell to Great Swell to Great Sub Swell to Great Super Swell to Pedal Swell to Choir Great to Pedal Choir to Great Choir to Pedal Choir Sub Octave Choir Super Octave Tremulants to Swell and Choir Great to Pedal Combinations Coupled

Combination Pistons (preset)

Great: 4 pistons Swell: 4 pistons Pedal: 4 pistons Choir: 3 pistons

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